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Saturday, September 17, 2011

E-Business and Management

To quote Bob Dylan :”The times they are a’changing.” This is the key element in the ever evolving world of virtual business

E-business may be a better way to do business, but it is a lot more than that. It is a way to manage your business in an increasingly optimal fashion.

A multitude of companies of various forms world-wide are embracing the idea of on-line technology at an ever increasing rate. They can grab opportunities and achieve success in markets to which they never had access before the advent of these new technologies.

However, this was seen as an activity limited to large corporations with the ability to finance it. The SME’s wnet as far as having a company website created and mandating the use of e-mail but did not continue with the process and go into e-business in the accepted wider sense.

Reasons such as the non-availability of affordable in- house ansd securtity and safety issues were often quoted as the logic behind this failure to continue with the innovation process. There was also lack of comprehension of the potential the technology had to improve the everyday routine of just doing business. As time goes by these issues are being seen as less of a problem and more like a challenge to which the response is readily achievable.

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